Press page
Don't take our word for it. Here are some articles and reviews of Peer Collective!
Latest awards
Verywell Mind's 2022
Online Therapy Awards
Best for Peer Support
“The trained peer counselors at Peer Collective, the winner of Best for Peer Support, provide nonjudgemental emotional support at low rates, making the service a more affordable alternative to seeing a therapist.”
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In-Depth Review in the Psychotherapy Networker magazine
Access for All
Tackling therapy’s Biggest Challenge by Lauren Dochett
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Twitter mentions
In episode 149 of the Meta Hour, Sharon speaks with @timdesmond. Tim is a psychotherapist, author, and the founder of @peercollective and co-founder of Morning Sun Mindfulness Center in Alstead, NH.
“Good @TherapyChatPod episode with Tim Desmond on the need for accessible support and counseling and how he developed @peercollective. Happy to see peer counseling becoming more of a thing!”
“If you going through stuff and need someone to talk totry @peercollective it definitely helped me.”
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